Every person goes through some worst days of their life and sometimes we indulge ourselves into negative thinking and it becomes quite difficult to get over it.
Negative thinking leads to anxiety in social and performance situations. The best way to change your negative thoughts is to understand how you think and its result. Once you get to know about your thought process, you will be able to change your negative thinking.
Accept Criticism
No matter what you do, there is always someone who criticizes you as people are usually judgmental and critical but it is important that you are able to cope with rejection.
Try to do the practice of defending yourself as it will help you to accept criticisms and rejections better.
Know about your thought process
You must know how your thought process works as it will help you to understand how negative thoughts arise and how to correct them. There is a good and bad side of every person and your thoughts play an important role in making life decisions. If you will learn to control your negative thinking, half of your life problems would be solved.
How to practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the practice of detaching yourself from your thoughts and emotions and it has its roots in meditation.
During mindfulness training, you learn to observe your actions and view your thoughts as its goal is to control your emotions to various situations and letting the thinking side of your brain do its work.
Surround yourself with positive people
The people you spend time with also play a pivotal role in your life. If you would spend time with negative people who always backbites, criticize others or being too judgmental, it will affect you mentally.
Try to spend time with positive people as it is good for your health and happiness.
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