Categories: Animals/Pets

Chickens ‘Gang Up’ To Attack And Corner A Fox That Broke Into Their Coop

Chickens living in a school farm in France have ganged up to corner a fox and peck the intruder to death.


The unexpected revolt took place on a Brittany farm after a fox entered a coop containing more than 3,000 hens. While the fox played the role of a predator as it entered the coop, things took a sudden turn after the trapdoor closed, trapping the fox in the coop.

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“There was a herd instinct and they attacked him with their beaks,” Pascal Daniel, the Gros-Chêne agricultural school head of farming, said. “It had blows to its neck, blows from beaks.”


The staff found the lifeless body of the fox one day following the attack on their five-acre site. According to the school, they keep 6,000 free-range chickens on their premises.

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“A whole mass of hens can arrive together and the fox may have panicked in the face of such a big number,” Daniel explained in a local newspaper.


“They can be quite tenacious when they are in a pack.”

While the incident surprised the farm’s staff, this isn’t the first case of its kind. Back in 2012, ­cockerel Dude and three hens took on a male fox and pecked it to death after it entered the coop with the intention to have dinner.

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“I’ve never heard of anything like this before. It’s like the revenge of the chicken,” 43-year-old owner Michelle Cordell said.


“The little table in the corner of the coop which the chickens perch on had been kicked over and was lying next to the fox’s head.


“It seems they kicked over the table, knocked the fox out then pecked it to death. The fox had little blood marks on its legs where it was pecked. It was not a cub but it was only young and Dude and Izzy are big birds.


“I reared Dude from a tiny little chick and he has become very protective of the others. He thinks he is human and chases our dogs around the garden, pecking them.”

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