Categories: life

Save Your Child’s Baby Teeth: They Can Save Your Kid From Cancer and Heart Attacks

Saving your child’s baby teeth may sound gross to you but hey, it can save your life from some extremely risky diseases.


You must be wondering how a baby tooth can help you save your life, right?

Well, scientists have been working nonstop to find out better and better cures for such life-threatening diseases and cancer and heart attacks are on the top of the list.


While working on the same, scientists found out that, young teeth have stem cells that are effective in helping new cell growth in other parts of the body as they are new and less exposed and harmed by the environment.

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United States National Center of Biotechnology carried out research and found out the same result. They found out that the teeth stem cells can prove to be a great alternative for the bone marrow stem cells and can save from a long and difficult procedure of extracting the same.


While the new findings are still under researches and procedures, there is a great chance of the same helping in fighting cancer and in re-growth of neural cells that instructs the brain to act against heart attack.

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There are several other body parts and health problems that can be treated using stem cells like regenerating liver, re-growing bones, reproducing eye-tissue, and in treating diabetes.


These stem cells can be found in milk teeth that are as long as 10 years old.

In a clinical attempt in China, the doctors used young teeth to regrow 30 years old teeth that were not fully developed. The researchers said that after some development these teeth can be used to help in renewing the blood vessels and nerves connection in the adult life.


The head of the research team said: “This treatment gives the sensation back to the patient in their teeth as the vessels start working perfectly again.”

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