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A Child’s Hair ‘Magically’ Stood Up Straight As He Went Down The Slide

We all love watching children play in the parks, enjoying their rides and having fun.


It takes us down the memory lane and makes us feel nostalgic.

The video here features just that, plus adds in a bit of science. It shows a child going down a spiral slide and when he reaches the end, all his hair stand straight up, due to the static electric charge in his hair.


Watch it for yourself here!

[rumble video_id=v5xr4j domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Nobody was looking forward to it and the scene made everyone astonished.

While the people who used to be good at science in high school immediately realized it was a static electric charge, for others, it was a work of magic.


If you think what caused the static energy to build up, it was due to the friction between the child’s clothes and the slide.


Static electricity builds up when two things are rubbed together and then separated.


What happens basically is that the negative and positive charges get polarized. So when you bring the surfaces near one another after rubbing them, they tend to attract each other.

A very common example of static electric energy building up in daily life is the energy that develops in your hair and comb when you comb your hair. And while this case of static charge buildup is totally harmless, there are cases that can have deadly consequences.


For instance, the built-up of charge in the vehicles transporting gasoline or other flammable substances. A static energy buildup in such a case can lead to sparks that may cause an explosion.


To avoid that, a small metallic chain is attached to the body of the vehicle that drags on the earth as the vehicle moves. This helps dissipate the charges to the ground.


So if you were unaware of how the static electric energy works, now you do. I’d say it’s about time you take up a comb and explain this magic-cum-scientific phenomenon to your fellas.


