Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Woman Arrested After Witnesses Saw Her “Stomping All Over” A Sea Turtle Nest In Florida


We’ve all been bombarded with dire warnings about the effects of climate change and how human activity or the changing climate we are being warned about has already caused several species to already become extinct with many more species in danger of being wiped out.


While progress has been slow, one benefit of the Internet and social media is that people are more aware now and doing little things in their own way to help slow down the damage we’re doing to the planet and the other life forms on it.

Local governments and private conservation groups have done their part in encouraging recycling and taking care of animals within their area. Which is why it’s totally baffling when other people seemingly can’t appreciate the precarious nature the planet is in by totally disregarding these conservation efforts.

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Such was the case of a 41-year-old Chinese citizen named Yaqun Lu who was arrested by Miami Beach Police after witnesses saw her allegedly “stomping” on a nest of sea turtles.point 291 |


She was seen on Saturday allegedly “jabbing at the sea turtle nest” using a wooden stake and “stomping all over the nest with her bare feet.point 121 | point 124 | 1

According to online court records, Lu, who currently resides in Hudsonville, Michigan, will be charged with marine turtle or egg molestation or harassment. The Miami Herald reports that she was brought to Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on a $5,000 bond.


The area was closed off from the public after Lu’s arrest with the area cordoned off with yellow tape and a sign that read, “Do not disturb sea turtle nest,” reported CNN.

The Chinese consulate in Houston was notified of Lu’s arrest. At the moment, no attorney appears listed for her in online records.


Miami Beach Police spokesman Ernesto Rodriguez told the Herald, “Thankfully, it appears the eggs were not damaged.”


Harming or harassing sea turtles (including their nests or hatchlings) is illegal under the US Endangered Species Act of 1973. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission added that Florida statutes have added laws over the treatment of marine turtles, nests, and eggs.


Per the Miami Beach Rising Above website, May 1 to October 31 represents sea turtle nesting season. Three species of protected sea turtle (the Green, Loggerhead, and Leatherback) use Miami Beach as nesting habitat. During the summer nesting season, anywhere from 3 to 7 nests are laid with around 100 eggs per nest.


Because hatching is easily attracted to bright lights, artificial lighting is seen as a threat to turtles during the nesting season. Miach Beach has sought to minimize the effects of artificial lighting on these hatchlings and nesting sea turtles through the Turtle Nesting Protection Ordinance.



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