Categories: life

A Chinese Runner Poos During Half Marathon But Still Wins It

Running is a great exercise and a dangerous sport as it comes with its list of pros and cons.


Recently, one of the Chinese runner Wu Xiangdong ran half his marathon till 10 km, then he shit himself but even after that he won the marathon by continuing to run. He won the race as the fastest runner from his country but of course throughout he was stinking of the poo.


Something’s are not in control as we all know so after the completion of the race, Wu claimed that he had no choice during the marathon he had to go dirty.


Wu finished his marathon one hour, six minutes and 16 seconds but during all that time even he couldn’t stand the foul smell.


He further said that he didn’t have any other option and he wanted to beat the African runner, so he continued to run.


Wu also claimed that he was so happy after crossing the finish line because it seemed like he had more power after the incident, but he also feels that he would have run faster if the event didn’t happen.


Though he couldn’t think of any reason or food item due to which it happened during the race, he feels that he was suffering from diarrhea and probably that’s why it happened.


Wu only ate bread and drank mineral water before the race so he thinks that the situation cannot occur because of what he ate.


Wu felt so happy, but he says that he never wants to remember this race as it was an embarrassing experience for him. Though


Wu isn’t much bothered because he completed the race and won. We all know Wu is not the first athlete to go to such extreme situations to win or finish the race.



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