Categories: Entertainmentlife

You Can Now Build Your Own Chocolate Cottage, Thanks To Cadbury

This Christmas, you can buy a build-your-own cottage from Cadbury.


It’s just like a new and improved version of a gingerbread house – but one that’s made entirely with CHOCOLATE.

The DIY chocolate cottage kit from Cadbury has five different types of Cadbury bars that will enable you to build your very own chocolate cottage the way you like it.


No doubt, it is an absolutely adorable move from Cadbury.

The self-assembly kit comes with standard Dairy Milk bars along with the all-new Winter Gingerbread and Winter Wonderland flavors.

For the decor of your chocolate cottage, there will be white chocolate buttons and flake bars in the kit.


Assembly process of the chocolate cottage involves melting the chocolate at the ends to ‘weld’ the walls in place.


Supervision is advised if kids are constructing the cottage.


One thing that you have to keep in mind before starting with the assembly process is that the kit does not contain any icing. You’ll have to buy that separately to make the windows.

Cadbury’s build-your-own chocolate cottage kit is already on sale on official Cadbury website. The kit costs $20 and the delivery charges are $5.


There’s no cheaper alternative to the chocolate cottage because the item is not at sale in any supermarket.

A cheaper hack to buy the stuff for making the cottage is buying all the bars separately at any supermarket. That option is a little economical at $9.3.


The larger bars can be bought at about $1.5 to $2 each and the flake bar is just 75 cents. A bag of white chocolate buttons will set you back at just under $2.


The chocolate cottage is really tempting to eat but take note that the cute looking cottage will have 534 calories and 56 grams of sugar per 100g of Dairy Milk.


So, if you’re on diet, we’d advise you to think again before going for this delicious treat.


