Actor Chris Evans, who played the role of Captain America in the Marvel superhero films, decided to gift the authentic Captain America shield to a 6 year old boy who bravely fought a dog in order to protect his sister.
The brave and lucky boy is Bridger Walker, whose story went viral online after his aunt shared the story of Walker bravely protecting his sister as an aggressive dog tried to attack his sister.
Despite only being 6 years old, the young Walker did not hesitate to involve himself for the sake of his sister. During this process, he was severely injured yet managed to protect his sister.
Nikki, who shared the story on her Instagram, said that her young nephew was getting some much needed rest after receiving 90 stitches from a surgeon, all caused because of the attack. The older Walker said that she hoped the story of this young hero is heard by other heroes.
The hero that responded to the newest hero that joined their ranks was Captain America, who not heard the story online but actually reached out to the family for the young Walker’s deeds.
In a video that he filmed for the family, Evans praises the young boy by calling him a pal and a hero. The actor said that both his sister and parents must be so proud to have him as part of the family.
Saying that the world needs more characters like Walker, Evans wished the boy a quick and sound recovery. He said that he is fully aware of the difficulties of recovery, but also added that there seems to be nothing that can stop the resilience and determination of Walker.
Towards the end of the 90 second video message, Evans told Walker to be on the lookout as he has decided to gift the boy with the very shield that he used while he was filming Captain America.
Evans is not the only onscreen hero who has recognized and praised the young hero. From Mark Ruffalo who plays the role of Hulk to onscreen Spiderman Tom Holland, virtually the whole Avengers lineup sent their praises to Walker and what he did for his sister.
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