Categories: lifenews

Entire City Turned Bright Orange As Powerful Dust Storm Swept Through The Region

An entire city in country Victoria turned bright orange as an incredible dust storm swept through the town.


In the state’s northwest, Mildura, high winds caused the dust storm as the temperature increased to 40 degrees Celsius.

The state issued a code red fire warning, meaning residents need to be prepared for the worst bushfire situations.

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One resident, Leonie, said to AAP: “The sky is literally brown, the dust in the air is just so thick. The sky is now deep orange. And the wind is harsh.


“It is just atrocious. This dust, we have had it so often and it is becoming a norm for us.”

She also said that the store was ‘full of dust’ and with her asthma condition, she had some difficulty breathing.


A spokesman for the Bureau of Meteorology said to Daily Mail Australia that the visibility had reduced to 3lm for most of the northwestern region of the state.


“The wind change has made it much worse and visibility has dropped to about 500 metres to a kilometre. Since then conditions have not improved a great deal,” said the forecaster.


The occurrence is similar to one of the worst dust storms in the history of Australia in 2009. The Harbour Bridge and Sydney Opera House were barely visible and flights were cancelled.


The forecaster also said Mildura is expecting a cool change with temperatures dropping to 30 degrees.

In Mildura, the highest recorded temperature was 40.6C.


Another emergency warning has been issued for Strathallan and Bonn. The warnings say: “You are in danger, act now to protect yourself. It is too late to leave. The safest option is to take shelter indoors immediately.


“Do not get in the car and drive. It is safer to stay where you are.”


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