Categories: life

Climate Change Activists Vandalized Restaurant After It Ran Out Of Pea Salad

Angry climate change protesters of the Extinction Rebellion have vandalized a healthy-eating restaurant and verbally abused its staff after they ran out of pea salad.


The climate activists have not only launched a hurl of verbal abuse at the staff of Leon restaurant but also smeared its walls with human waste all because they ran out of peas.

Extinction Rebellion

As one of the staff members attempted to clean the dirty walls, the activists tackled her to the ground leaving her bruised.


The incident occurred in the City of Westminster in England at a Leon restaurant branch amid Extinction Rebellion demonstrations.


As upset workers admitted, they were terrified and forced to stop one of the activists who attempted to jump over the counter after he was told he couldn’t get pea salad because they ran out of ingredients.


The staff also reported they “had to deal with feces smeared all over the walls and doors of the toilets” after allowing loitering protesters to use their toilets.


“We do not welcome the sort of treatment our team and guests were subjected to in two of our restaurants. Both restaurants were closed after the incidents and all team members have been supported throughout,” Leon spokesperson said after the attack.


Following the social media backlash that Extinction Rebellion received, their representative has spoken out and maintained innocence.


“The incident was clearly horrible and we’re sorry the staff were put in this position. This is not indicative of the nature of the movement and our principles and values,” they said.


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