Categories: Entertainmentlife

Someone Spotted A Cloud Shaped Exactly Like A Dog In The Sky

In childhood, we gaze at the sky and different kinds of images start appearing or we can say it our imagination.


We start seeing faces, shapes, different objects or animals.

A person spotted a cloud shaped exactly like a dog during sunset. The clouds look different to everyone but this one exactly in this photo is shaped like a dog without a doubt.

I Love My Dog So Much

The photo has since gone viral and gained a lot of praises and attention. It is amazing to see how many times dogs have appeared in the clouds. This is another one with a beautiful sun in the background. But this time, the dog seems to be leaping toward that sun.


The beautiful picture is so mesmerizing as it shows the bright red sun starting to drop below the horizon and there was a cloud perfectly shaped like a dog. You can clearly see the dog-shaped cloud in the picture as it is clearly visible.

ILove My Dog So Much

It is the most amazing moment for an animal lover when animals appear in the sky. Everyone has their own imagination and we see faces or other images in a cloud. The more you gaze at the sky, the more you start imagining.


There is a reason why see different shapes or faces in the cloud. According to Live Science website, ‘’The psychological phenomenon that causes some people to see or hear a vague or random image or sound as something significant is known as pareidolia (par-i-DOH-lee-a).’’

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‘’There are a number of theories as to the cause of this phenomenon.point 169 | Experts say pareidolia provides a psychological determination for many delusions that involve the senses.point 261 |


They believe pareidolia could be behind numerous sightings of UFOs, Elvis and the Loch Ness Monster and the hearing of disturbing messages on records when they are played backwards.point 153 | ’’point 159 | 1


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