Categories: Familylife

This College Student Could Survive From Being Raped And Killed, Because Of What Mom Taught Her

Jordan Dinsmore, a 20-year-old student in South Carolina, arrived at her apartment complex after finishing her shift at a local restaurant.


She was getting out of her car when she was kidnapped by three individuals. They planned to rape her, but the college student was able to escape from the horrifying situation using the advice taught to her by her mom.

I panicked and started screaming,” Dinsmore said. “‘Shut up or I’ll shoot you,’ the guy holding the gun told me as he forced me to the ground.”



The kidnappers commanded her to get back into her vehicle with them. None of the three knew how to drive her manual transmission car. Although one of the assailants went away, the other two kidnappers stayed in the car and told her to drive to an ATM.


After withdrawing $300, Dinsmore handed the money over. Then, she begged them just to take the money and car and leave. But the kidnappers had more plans.



“‘Now you’re going to drive us somewhere else,’” one of the assailants told her. “‘And when we get there, you’re going to be raped.’”

Dinsmore remembered what her mom taught her in case something like this happens.

She was almost a victim of sexual assault when she was in college, and she fought back and fought the man off, and I thought, ‘You know, I’m going to be strong like my mom. I’m going to get myself out of this.’” Dinsmore shared.



Beth Turner, her mother, used to remind her not to let anyone take her to a second location because “that’s where the really bad stuff happens.” When Turner was in college, a man tried to kidnap her. She told her daughter to fight back and never let anyone them her to another place.


Remembering her mom’s advice, Dinsmore left her seatbelt unbuckled. She drove, and when she saw an opportunity, she allowed the vehicle to drift into the intersection where three cars were approaching.

The college student flipped her car in neutral and jumped out of the driver’s side door. Dinsmore ran down the street and screamed for help.


Jordan Dinsmore

I just screamed: ‘Call 911! Call 911! Someone just kidnapped me and threatened to shoot me!’’ Dinsmore said. Fortunately, the woman who was driving by saw her and picked her up. She also contacted the police immediately. Then, Dinsmore called her mother to tell her that she was fine.


You know, as a parent, you tell your kids stuff all the time,” Turner expressed. “You don’t know what they’re listening to you, don’t know what they’re paying attention to, and to hear … that she was actually listening avnd that was what was with her in her head … feels really good.”


Jordan Dinsmore

I had always told her, don’t ever let somebody get you out of the public eye.”

The three kidnappers have been identified and arrested. One of them was 17 years old, charged as an adult. The other two were only 15 and face charges of kidnapping, robbery, and weapons possession.


Do you think she was brave for jumping out of the car? If you enjoyed this story, please SHARE it with your family and friends on Facebook so they can be reminded to fight during such situations!