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The Color Of Your Menstrual Blood Says A Lot About Your Health

Each month, the body of a matured woman prepares for pregnancy.


If no pregnancy occurs, however, vaginal bleeding, also know as menstruation, follows. While having your period is indeed completely normal, there is no such thing as a ‘normal’ period.

Your menstrual blood may change its looks and color on a monthly basis. While you may believe that its color is not relevant, certain changes in hues may help you identify severe health conditions early on. The color of your period can also say a lot about your overall health and the state of your body.


1. Pink

While pink remains a popular color, you don’t wish to see it in your menstruation blood. Pink color may indicate that you are losing little blood. This can be a result of hormonal fluctuations, poor diet, anemia, birth control pills, or infections, so it is important to have it checked out.


2. Orange-Red

Orange-red blood may suggest that there’s an infection going on. In that case, the blood is often accompanied by a strong, rotting smell.

3. Thick Jam-Like Period

Even if the color of your period is of the right color, you may still be in danger. While blood clots during the period are nothing uncommon, watch out for those that are thick and bigger than a quarter. Continuous release of larger clots may indicate uterine fibroids and polyps, hormonal imbalance, or abnormal pregnancy.



As experts suggest, it is essential for women to familiarize themselves with the most common flow colors and keep an eye on any changes in their period color. “In the beginning, blood tends to be bright red in color, and as it comes to an end, appear brown or black,” Sherry Ross, an OB-GYN, says.


While bright red and brown colors are usually a sign of good health, there are also certain tints that may signify danger. In case of coming across those, visiting a doctor is highly suggested.

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