Categories: Funlife

A Comedian Dad Took His Son to Poundland Instead of Disneyland In April Fool’s Prank

Traveling to Disneyland is the childhood dream of almost every child while growing up.


But imagine how you would feel like a kid if you were pranked by the promise of a trip to Disneyland and instead you were taken to a place that is not even remotely related.


Recently, Joe Heenan who is a stand-up comedian informed his son that he is taking him to a place whose name ends with “land.” The son of Joe thought his dad is definitely taking him to Disneyland. He got excited and packed all his stuff and was ready to leave for what he thought was Disneyland.


Joe’s son couldn’t be more surprised when he realized that his dad had played an April fool’s prank on him. He was left heartbroken when he got to know that his father has brought him to a place called Poundland.


The comedian shared a picture of his son in which he was standing with a packed suitcase outside Poundland. Joe Heenan posted the picture on Twitter and has so far reached over 2,000 likes.


The followers and other users who got to know of his act have responded to his actions in quite different ways. Some took his actions to be funny, and some also found it disgraceful.

One of the users commented that Joe shouldn’t be leaving his son with such memories as it can make him develop a fear of trusting adults in the future and at the same time his son can also be affected with the triggers of lifetime anxiety.


Many just found the prank to be harsh and savage. Such users sportingly commented that Joe is a bad daddy. The same users also said that Joe will now have to buy him tickets to Disneyland because this is probably the only way he can make it up for his ruthless April fool’s prank.


One user went on to say that how will the dad react when his son will one day prank him on the same day by taking him to his home and will later confess to him that his time is only limited in the house because he would never like to welcome him again.

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