You must have been taught to never leave your answer sheet blank and instead be creative, scratch your mind and come up with innovative answers.
There are several reasons to not study, you can either be unwell, sleepy, or simply not in a mood to study.
While giving the exams, these kids must be feeling extra-creative, as they left extraordinary answers on their sheets. These answers surely made the teachers laugh, which is why they are not viral. So if you have an exam to give but could not pull an all-nighter, consider these answers next time.
- When you think too highly of yourself.point 32 |
- Well, there is no reason to mark this answer wrong.point 180 |
- Yes, kid, we get you, mornings are frightening indeed.point 331 |
- Technically, the answers are not wrong and the kid definitely understands the questions.point 182 |
- This happens when you do not pay attention to the class.point 334 |
- A true that reads false that reads true? “I dare to mark my answer wrong!”, challenged the student.point 192 |
- Love is definitely the strongest force, kid.point 336 |
- Because find means ‘locate’ and not ‘calculate.point 153 | ’
- In fact, not very nice.point 281 |
- There is a thin line between letters and words.point 145 | It looks like the kid has not been taught about that line.point 192 |
- Why should you use your brain when the question has the answer?
- When your kid loves games more than anything.point 143 |
- Finally, a teacher who appreciates creativity.point 290 |
- When you know the right answer but cannot explain how.point 151 |
- When biology is more interesting than maths.point 294 |
- When you play too many defense games
- Well, technically, that is correct.point 272 |
- When your mom trains you to be a brave child.point 141 |
Share this post with your friends and family.point 284 | 1
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