Categories: Entertainmentlife

This Desk Allows Office Workers To Lie On Their Back As They Work

A San Francisco company has come up with a desk that will let office workers lie on their back.


The company named Altwork released the Signature Station desk in 2016 for $5,500.

Now the company recently confirmed an updated $7,600 model that includes built-in plugs and an optional 40-pound spring housing to keep heavier computer displays in place.


In a new report on Altwork’s updated chair, Mashable’s Chris Taylor says: ‘Freed of the distracting discomfort brought on by endless sitting or standing — the restless legs, the never-straight-enough spine — your brain suddenly finds itself more able to get on with the business of putting its best thoughts on the screen.’


‘Once you get over the panicky sensation that the monitor is about to drop on your face, that is.’

Altwork uses a set of magnets on the underside of its desk to keep everything securely in place in order to prevent all the keyboard and mouse in place.


The blood can move more freely through your body by lying back with your legs and torso opening to at least a 135-degree angle.


One experiment, organized by Australian National University psychologist Darren Lipnicki, suggested: ‘In theory, there may be a greater release of a chemical, noradrenaline, in the brain when standing up than when lying down,’

‘It’s suspected that noradrenaline inhibits the abilities to solve anagrams and to think creatively so we decided to test the idea that lying down would actually help solve anagrams more quickly.’


Altwork’s CEO Che Voight has said many of its employees with medical conditions use the desk. In a 2019 survey held on 1,000 office workers in the United Kingdom discovered that almost half reported regular headaches, sore backs, while 30 per cent regularly had sore wrists, and 15 per cent had sore legs.


They interviewed the office workers and based on the complaints the team created a composite model of what an office worker in the future might look like.



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