Categories: Animals/Petslife

Confused But Nonchalant Cat Let Iron Man Toy Dance On Him

Have you seen a hilarious video lately? When we have one for you here and I am sure you will laugh out loud after watching this.



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How often have you seen a cat with patience? Yes yes, a cat with patience. I know what you must be wondering. Is there even a thing in this world called a cat with patience? Well, if you see this video you will know there is.


We have no idea how hazardous it was for the owner of the cat after the video ended and after the toy was picked up but we are pretty sure it was cruel on them.


In this hilarious video, you can see a cat laying on the couch with an Iron Man toy dancing over it. Yes, for the entire time the video was recording, the cat was laying there with tolerance although he definitely looked confused.


The owner of the cat can be heard laughing on the misery of the fluff ball but what they did not know was there is a consequence to everything and their cat is surely not going to forget what they are doing to him.


Cats are very different dogs. They do not need constant attention but they need their space and they need you to take their permission for everything you do around them.


They are the bossy types and if you do not obey, you will be eligible to get a snap to form their tine little paw that hurts quite a lot btw.


So next time you are planning to play a trick on your cat or are making them star in a video, make sure they do not get mad with it because once the cat goddesses and gods are mad, they go crazy and they can turn your house in a rack within minutes. Believe us in this.


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