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Confused Dog Thinks He’s Also A Rabbit And Wants To Spend All Day With His Friend


People who love pets end up hosting a whole lot more than just cats and dogs.


They’re the most common pets but certainly not the only type of pet available. As the phrase “raining cats and dogs” implies, when you put two different species in the same household, there’s no guarantee that they’ll get along.

And among dogs especially, sometimes they get really jealous about other dogs in the house let alone other species.


Watch this relationship between a rabbit and a dog who thinks its a rabbit.

[rumble video_id=v5nvjz domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

That’s why pet owners tend to be very cautious when letting their pets interact because you’re never sure if they may end up fighting with one pet severely injuring the other especially if the other pet is quite small.


That was certainly the concern for one family when their Dachshund Winston was just obsessed with Tex the bunny rabbit. He’d whine and give short little barks in front of Tex’s cage and frankly, he was driving his owners mad with all this wheedling.


But they had good reason to be cautious. Even if Winston was also a small dog, he still had sharp teeth and those could just as easily cause severe injury to Tex. But finally, they gave in and carefully let the two pets finally meet.


As it turned out, they had nothing to worry about because all Winston wanted to do was nuzzle and lick Tex. In fact, it’s like Winston thought he was a rabbit too because he wanted to stay with his best buddy rabbit all day and even spend the night with him!


It’s an adorable scene and one that shows that inter-species friendship is not limited to humans and their pets. Tex can’t bark or otherwise let people know what he’s feeling but with the way he’s enduring Winston’s licks, he’s probably fine with the little guy, too.


Tex is 10 years old and is a Rex bunny who’s quite playful with children. They are hardy and intelligent so they make good pets. The name derives from the Rex gene that causes the rabbit’s fur to grow straight and perpendicular to the body. They come in medium-sized and mini versions, both of which are popular.


Dachshunds, on the other hand, thrives on activity despite their small size. Put them through their paces with any exercise and they will gamely keep up. The breed started in Germany and was first bred to hunt badgers, wounded game, and rabbits (hence the concern about Winston taking an obsession with Tex).


But as they say, sometimes the most unlikely friendships are the best ones!

