Two police officers are being investigated after participating in the deadly assault on the US Capitol on Wednesday.
As Chief Adrian Diaz of the Seattle Police Department confirmed, the department is investigating two of their cops over their attendance of the riot that took place at the Capitol building while a joint session of Congress was in process.
The officers were reportedly photographed during the rally that turned violent and resulted in five deaths.
According to the police chief, the two officers have already been placed on leave pending an investigation. In a statement, Diaz also confirmed that the cops could face immediate termination depending on their role in the insurgence.
“The Department fully supports all lawful expressions of First Amendment freedom of speech, but the violent mob and events that unfolded at the US Capitol were unlawful and resulted in the death of another police officer,” the SPD Police Chief said.
“The OPA [Office of Police Accountability] will investigate whether any SPD policies were violated and if any potential illegal activities need to be referred for criminal investigation.”
As OPA Director Andrew Myerberg added, the department already knows that the two cops were present at the Capitol at the time of the riot.
“The fundamental question will be, ‘Is being present at the rally in and of itself a violation of department policy?’” Myerberg said.
“And I just don’t know that yet. I think it really depends on what they did and what their role was in those events.”
Meanwhile, the authorities continue their hunt on the rioters who stormed the Capitol and laid waste to its possessions and offices.
As of this writing, over 80 rioters have already been identified and arrested.
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