Categories: Healthlifenews

Coronavirus Doctor Died From Overworking After Treating Patients For 33 Days Without A Break

A hero coronavirus doctor has tragically passed away after treating patients at Lingfeng Town Clinic in Guangxi Province, China, for 33 days without a break.


32-year-old Dr. Zhong Jinxing was a deputy leader of the team of medical professionals working at the hospital during the coronavirus outbreak.

Dr Zhong Jinixng – Guangxi News

As Xinhua News Agency reported, the selfless man had volunteered to do his job without a break for 33 days in a row.


Unfortunately, overworked Dr. Jinxing suffered a heart attack and passed away, leaving behind a heartbroken wife and a 6-year-old daughter.

Dr Zhong Jinixng – Guangxi News

According to the local reports, the deputy leader of the medical team at Lingfeng Town Clinic was devoted to performing his duties which included managing quarantines, visiting patients at their homes, and monitoring body temperature of commuters at a nearby highway.


On the day he passed away, Dr. Jinxing allegedly held a staff meeting at 11 pm before returning to his dorm room and collapsing.

Dr Zhong Jinixng – Guangxi News

Following the sudden death of the doctor, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau branded Dr. Jinxing’s passing a “workplace injury” whereas his family will be paid a compensation of $120,000.

YONHAP – AFP – Getty Images

The tragic death followed just as another doctor, 55-year-old Jiang Xueqing, passed away from coronavirus after contracting the killer bug from patients.


Dr. Xueqing was working at Wuhan Central Hospital where the effects of the coronavirus outbreak have been most evident.

AFP – Getty Images

Since the beginning of the outbreak, at least 25 medical workers in China have passed away after putting their lives on the line to treat patients.


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