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Couple Arrested For Having An Intercourse In Car Amidst Coronovirus Lockdown In Italy

A couple was arrested in Italy recently amid coronavirus outbreak as they were caught having sex in the car.


They were arrested for breaching Covid-19 quarantine rules in the country.

The forty-year-old Tunisian woman and the twenty-three-year-old Egyptian man were caught doing it by the police in Milan’s outskirts on Monday.


The pair, apart from decency laws, chose a bad time for a roadside fling, with authorities high on alert for breaking of the coronavirus lockdown.


The couple was accused of not following quarantine rule that bans two individuals from being in back or front of a vehicle together.


Whether the pair will face further action remains unclear but authorities have been observing a wary eye on each road vehicle to enforce a ban on the travel.


Citizens of Italy are allowed outside only for buying food, receiving or giving medical care, or travelling to work, only if extremely necessary.

Despite sufficient opportunities for indoor entertainment, this pair was caught having sex on the road in Mecenate located near Milan, which is heavily hit by Covid-19 outbreak.


In San Donato Milanese, a family was ordered to move by the police while they were resting on a lawn.


The region of Lombardy that includes Milan has suffered from the biggest number of cases in Italy.


The hospitals are struggling to cope up in the Northern province and according to the doctors, medical centres are now overwhelmed as the medics are forced to make crucial life-or-death decisions regarding intensive care.


If the outbreak happens in the poorer southern parts of Italy, it is feared that the health system there would not be able to cope up with the situation.


As per the latest figures, almost 3,000 people have died in Italy due to coronavirus and more than 35,000 are affected by it.

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