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Read The Fact About CPR Doll’s Face It Is Found To Be A Copy Of A Woman Drowned in 19th Century

We use a thousand of things in our daily life and have no idea about their origin and background stories.


Once we get to know about them we find them to be riotous and weird. The stethoscope has the same story.

When we recall an image of a doctor we see a stethoscope with, their image of a doctor is incomplete without a stethoscope.

You will be amazed to know about the origin of the stethoscope.


In the 19th century, it was not invented and doctors used to check the heart by placing their ears near the patient until Rene Laennec used a rolled paper and heard the heartbeat which gave insight about the stethoscope.

Source: Bored Panda

Some tales hold a bleak picture as the “LInconnue de la seine” which is a death mask and is a sign of horror and death.


It provides us two sorts of feelings that are considered to be poles apart which are the sagacity of calmness and a portrait of a dead person.

Source: Nicolas Halftermeyer

There not a firm story behind this mask but it is believed by people at large that this young woman’s mask which enthralled a number of people committed suicide.


Well! That is very horrifying to know but when her body was pulled out from the River Seine in the late 1880s the doctors and physicians examined her body they did not find a single sign of anguish on her body.

Which gave them a signal that she might have committed suicide. Her features and physical appearance also provided them with information that she was not more than 16 years of age at the time of her death.

Source: Megan Rosenbloom

Here is something more interesting to know and that is the pathologist while examining the girl became so spellbound by her magnificence that he went on creating a death masquerade which was prepared with wax.


The story of preparing death mask did not end here, but after the pathologist’s creation, a lot of copies of that original mask were prepared. The residents of Paris used to keep that ghoulish object in their houses.

Source: Richard Jonkman
Source: George Hodan

A renowned artist Albert Camus compared the smile of that drowned girl with that of Mona Lisa.


It was not Albert who dwelled on her beauty but a lot many were drooling over it. Her calmness and smile and her story of death raised many questions and became an emblem of fashion for people.

Source: John Haslam

This mask was fictionalized in numerous novels and stories and people loved to read about it.


Historians named her as “The unknown woman of seine”. Then came the decision of choosing the face for CPR doll and again the creators unlike novelists and authors choose the face of this unknown woman of seine.

Source: Phil Parker

Peter Safar and Asmund Laerdal made the first aid mannequin Resusci Anne by using the dead woman’s face mask. Later it was used for CPR courses and was nicknamed as “the most kissed face of the time”.


So it is a known fact that CPR doll is not something real but most of us had no idea about her origin just like a stethoscope.
