Categories: EntertainmentQuiz

Can You Crack The Code & Answer This Mind Teasing Question?

What better way to improve your brain function than a riddle that’s as confusing as can be?


Improving your brain function is no longer a difficult task. Well, to put it all in perspective, it actually never was. Puzzles have been proven for decades to provide a very healthy leisure time. And we thought what better occasion than now to give our viewers a great taste of the ordeal.


Today’s challenge is all about logical thinking. Yes, it’s time to think outside the box and figure out what could potentially be the answer. We want you to take a good look and think before answering.

Source: Money Crashers

Remember, the real reason why logic doesn’t come easy for so many people has to do with the mere fact that puzzlers fail to give it time. Yes, some tricky riddles come with graphics that take your mind for a spin. But here, it’s a whole different ballgame.


Did you know, puzzles like these are shown to enhance that brain function of yours too? All in all, it’s so much fun if you put in some effort. We love finding the most tricky puzzles out of the lot and this one certainly isn’t any exception!

Source: The New York Times

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s give it a go and see where you stand!

Today’s mind-teasing challenge

Okay, first things first. A man was going to St. Ives and that’s where he met another man who had seven wives in total. Now, each of his seven wives had seven sacks. And in each sack, there were seven cats. Now, you need to correctly calculate how many cats, kittens, sacks, as well as wives were traveling to St. Ives.


Sounds tricky right! Well, if you pay attention to the lines, we promise it won’t be!

The right answer

Do you think you’ve got the right answer? We sure do hope so! Let’s take a look and see if your answer matches ours! Good luck!

Source: National Travel Service

Okay, the right answer is ONE! Yes, only one person was going to St. Ives and that was the man himself, not the people he met along the way!


Wow, that really got many viewers confused. How about you?