Categories: Healthlife

Thanks To This Cream For Babies, Woman With Severe Psoriasis Finally Bares Her Legs After 20 Years Of Wearing Tights

baby cream.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Thanks To This Cream For Babies, Woman With Severe Psoriasis Finally Bares Her Legs After 20 Years Of Wearing Tights

46-year-old Kirsty Usher from Bristol spent two decades wearing thick tights during summer to hide her skin.


She was 27 when she was diagnosed with psoriasis, and ever since then, she was plagued by regular flare-ups.

Despite trying remedies and prescription medication, her condition left her exasperated, and it had significantly reduced her confidence.


In December 2017, she came across a post about Childs Farms products on Facebook. After using the £4 Baby Moisturizer, Kirsty noticed visible results right away within a few days.

Kirsty Usher

For the past twenty years I have been so self-conscious about my legs that I have been wearing 100 denier tights, even in the middle of summer,” Kirsty expressed.


The worst of my psoriasis has always been on my legs, but it also goes on my elbows and scalp too. I can tell people think it is contagious by the looks they give me, so I’ve always thought it was just easier to cover up rather than be made to feel uncomfortable by people staring.


One evening I went out with my friends and they convinced me to leave the tights at home. At the bar, a man came up to us and ridiculed me for my legs. That was it then – I never went out without my tights on after that.”

Kirsty Usher

Kirsty was 27 when she developed psoriasis overnight.

I just woke up one morning covered in what looked like measles. I had tiny pink spots all over my body,” she said.


I went to the doctors and was diagnosed with psoriasis about six months later. By the time I got to the dermatologist I looked like I had third degree burns.

I was referred to Bristol Royal Infirmary for light treatment three times a week for six weeks and I went into remission for about a year, but then I had another flare up. I have had about four separate sessions of light treatment over the years.

Kirsty Usher

Over the last ten years I have not been in remission once. At its worst it feels like my legs are on fire and they are splitting and bleeding. 


Taking off my tights is agony sometimes because my legs stick to them. Sometimes having a shower or bath feels like acid is being poured over my legs. It is total agony.

In a way psoriasis has affected my personal life and my relationships because I am just so self-conscious.

Kirsty Usher

There have been times when I have been in tears because of the pain. I can also see when my skin is going to flare up and it is so distressing. I just think: “please no”.


Living with psoriasis has been hard. I get leg envy when I see other women walking around in dresses without tights during the summer.”

Fortunately, she found Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser.


When I saw the story about the Childs Farm Baby Moisturiser I just thought: ‘why not?’ I was desperate for something to work.

I popped into Tesco to buy the cream and started using it, and within a couple of hours the itching had stopped. Within a week I could see my skin was no longer so red, and soon after my skin was really flat and I could see whole sections where my legs were a skin colour rather than bright red. I couldn’t believe it.”


For the first time since she was in her 20s, Kirsty has finally stepped out in dresses without wearing tights!

Kirsty Usher

This is the first time in nearly twenty years that I have worn a dress without tights. It feels amazing to finally have bare legs especially in this heat. Childs Farm has change my life and given me back my confidence.”


What are your thoughts on this? Are you also glad that she found the best way to treat her condition? Don’t forget to SHARE this with anyone suffering from the same problem!





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