Categories: FoodHealthlife

This 95% Water Containing Veggie Protects And Boosts Your Health

According to Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD who is a nutrition editor, there is a popular misbelief among his clients that the cucumbers lack in nutrients.


They pass this judgment going on its pale color and high water content.  But the fact is, cucumber’s high water content is just one of the countless attributes that it has.

There is a wide range of options to intake cucumbers. They can be sliced, pickled, added to water jugs for an amazing detoxifier, or can be marinated among other veggies for a side dish.


Here are the ways this beneficial veggie helps to protect and boosts your health.

Photo courtesy of Health.com

1. A key for bone health


Vitamin K is known to be an essential element for stronger bones. A cup full of unpeeled cucumbers provide you with the daily 20% requirement of vitamin K in your body which further prevents from osteoporosis and fracture chances.

2. Healthy Heart


In a study published in 2016, a group of people consumed dried cucumber seeds daily. These people were having slightly high cholesterol levels. After a month, drastic changes in their blood tests were seen including an increase in HDL, decrease in LDL (which known to be bad cholesterol) and low triglycerides.

Natural Food Series

3. Keeps body lubricated

As cucumber contains 95% moisture content, it’s the most hydrating among vegetables. According to research, it hydrates your body twice as effectively as a glass of water.


4. Controls calories

It is low in carbohydrates as there is a total of 4 grams of carbohydrates in one cucumber and one and a half are from fiber. So if you take a medium sized cucumber as a side dish with Hummus, it can save you from 100 calories than having 10 sliced pita bread.

Johny Selected Seeds

5. Healthy Skin

Sliced cucumbers are known to be the best home remedy for puffy eyes and for removing dark circles around the eyes. It is also effective for acne and sunburn as it contains anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of caffeic acid, Vitamin C and other antioxidants.


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