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These Cute Custom-Made Clip-On Tails Can Be Worn With Your Everyday Clothes

Caters News

Watch the video of these tails.


[rumble video_id=v5f1qj domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

Cosplays have become quite popular over the years. While a lot of cosplay involves characters from such iconic genres like Star Wars, Star Trek or the Marvel and DC universes, anime-inspired cosplays also have a huge fan-base.


And as any anime fan knows, one of the cutest characters you can find in animes are those cute demi-humans who have animal ears and animal tails. Those tails are easy enough to cosplay but one London-based company has made a business out of making beautifully crafted tails that you can wear even with your everyday clothes.

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Charlene Shoben, who also calls herself The Master Tailer, and her creative team cater to this unique and very niche market with her custom animal tails.point 238 |


The 32-year-old handcrafts these tails from her London studio.point 54 | These animal tails can either come from the animal kingdom or from fantasy.point 117 | So whether you want fluffy dog or fox tails or dragon and devil tails, Charlene is your go-to gal.point 197 | 1

But these tails are more than just static eye candy because they can even wag or curl up using a remote control!


Charlene said: “I’ve always wanted a tail, and I think that’s pretty common!

“We all dress up with tails as a child, so I thought I could do a little better than a bit of fur on some elastic, so I designed an animatronic system that could be adapted to all sorts of creatures!


“There’s nothing more magic than something you’ve made springing to life at the touch of a button. I love it.”

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Asked who would want to buy her products and what’s attractive about them, Charlene replied: “Our tails are worn by cosplayers, party people, festival-goers and Furries.


“You’re all grown up and serious but your tail is doing the naughty stuff.

“It’s your frisky side and it’s immediately read by others as a window to your mood.

“I honestly believe that inside everyone there is a ‘tailer’ wanting to come out to play.”


One thing’s for sure, cosplay will never be the same again!