Categories: Animals/Petslife

A Cute Little Puppy Broke Down The Dog Proof Gate To Escape

Watch the video to see how this cute little puppy manages to escape the puppy proof fence all the time and roam around freely like a bird.


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Video Credit: Rumble

Puppies are the cutest creatures present on this planet as they are tiny and adorable. They always manage to make everyone around them happy with the small little things that they do.


Recently, a cute little puppy daringly escaped from the puppy proof door at his home. the puppy proof door was around the kitchen to keep him outside and that’s when this 11 week old puppy decided to break through the door.

Dan McLaughlin who is owner of this cute little mischievous puppy decided to record this little incident as the puppy looked so adorable while breaking the door.


Dan claimed that whenever they go out of the apartment they leave their puppy, Beau behind the puppy proof fence but whenever they return back home they always find the puppy roaming around while the fence is kept knocked over.


He always manages to break through the puppy proof fence and get his things done. After noticing this for several times, the owners decided to put up a camera to see how he manages to do that.


When they saw the video, they saw the adventurous side of Beau which wants to knock over the fence and roam around freely in the house.


Dan said that whenever they used to put the puppy in the laundry basket with blankets to sleep, he used to find a way to climb out of that thing too.

It seems like the puppy hates being locked or kept in small spaces and loves to get out of them and roam around freely. Watch the video to see how this cute little puppy manages to escape the puppy proof fence all the time and roam around freely like a bird.


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