Categories: Familylife

A Terminally-Ill Dad Enjoyed His Final Beer With His Sons Before Passing

untitled 1 12.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - A Terminally-Ill Dad Enjoyed His Final Beer With His Sons Before Passing

Some stories do not have a happy ending and this is one of them.


As we all know death is a part of life and we all will have to face it one day, sooner or later. While we can’t control death, we can make every moment happy with our lives.


Norbert Schemm, an 87-year-old native of Appleton, Wisconsin, was in the terminal stage of colon cancer and wanted to spend his last days on Earth while drinking beer with his sons.


Norbert’s grandson, Adam, shared a heartbreaking photo on Twitter, which shows his granddad in the hospital, surrounded by his sons. They holding beer bottles and smile, even knowing that these were some of the last moments they were sharing together.


“That moment meant so much to my grandfather,” Schemm’s grandson Adam told the media. “You can tell they all know what’s gonna happen, and they just want to enjoy being together. They all have this look of closure.”


The day after the photo has been captured, Norbert passed away. In the last days of his life, he was surrounded by people who love him and would forever keep him in their hearts. Norbert was married to his wife for 65 years and was happy about the fact that his wife would be cared for by their grandchildren.


“It was the last 90 minutes that they really had him,” Adam Schemm said. “They drank beer and talked about family and he made everyone promise to take care of my grandmother. They were married for 65 years.”


Adam said he was hesitant to share the story on Twitter. But, he was surprised by the response it got on Twitter. It’s been retweeted more than 30,000 times since Adam posted it. Several Twitter users also shared their own stories of how they spend their last moments with their loved ones.




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