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55-Year-Old G*y Dad Delivers ‘Beautiful Baby’ With DAUGHTER’S 25-Year-Old Ex-Boyfriend

A 55-year-old man, dubbed as UK’s first gay dad has just delivered a beautiful baby with his daughter’s 25-year-old ex-boyfriend.


Barrie Drewitt Barlow made the shocking announcement recently via his Instagram account regarding his child with lover Scott Hutchinson who is just 25. Surprisingly, Scott is also Barrie’s daughter’s ex and that makes it a pretty complicated family affair as all members of the household living under one roof.

Source: Pink News

Barrie revealed how the baby actually arrived earlier than the couple planned but that doesn’t take away from the immense joy and pride the couple feels after seeing their beautiful bundle of joy. Moreover, Barrie also cleared the air of previous rumors where he spoke of expecting triplets, alongside his boyfriend Scott.


But in March, the couple revealed how it was actually a baby girl that would soon be on its way, spreading smiles for the couple.

Source: Daily Mail

‘Little Valentina has been brought into this world’, Barrie’s exciting post on Instagram revealed. Moreover, he also shared a video of how the baby is healthy and doing great, calling her perfect from every angle too.


Right after the post was revealed, a flood of congratulatory messages began pouring in for the couple who received so many likes as well as comments from all over. While some commented on the beautiful name, others took the time out to wish the couple all the best for the new addition to the family.

Source: Daily Mail

In the year 1999, Barrie became the UK’s first gay dad, after entering into a same-sex relationship with his partner named Tony. However, after 32 years of marriage, the couple split, and that’s when Barrie confirmed his relationship with his 20-year-old daughter’s ex-boyfriend who was bisexual.

Source: Daily Mail

And since then, the couple claims their madly in love with one another, after being together for just one year.