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Danny Glover Put Forth A Decision About The Mural At His Former High School

The actor who lives in San Francisco, Danny Glover has sentenced a decision at a press conference which was taken by the San Francisco Unified School District’s Board of Education to remove the mural from his formal high school.


Watch the video here:

[rumble video_id=v5gctt domain_id=u7nb2]

Video Credit: Rumble


The George Washington High School has paintings of President George Washington’s life, which shows servitude, slavery and violence.


The school board was deciding to paint over all the murals in the school because it doesn’t depict the values that are taught in the school.


People were protesting against the mural is a representation of violence and racism, but other people like Danny Glover disagreed on the fact that it should be covered up because he thinks that it is a very uncomfortable reminder to all of us about the reality that existed in the history.


Glover said at the press conference that there was no discussion about this 50 or 20 years ago then why there is a discussion about it right now.


He further said that there is not enough history present in the history books nowadays and some of it which is formed about the country is not even true.


Then he said that whatever information that we have till now is telling us their stories. After having the whole discussion at the press conference, the school board decided not to paint or cover the mular but let it exist because it will exist the history.


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