Categories: Healthlife

Mother Alerts On Facebook How The Pupil Of Her Daughter’s Eye Got Infected Because Of A Flower

Flowers are one of the most beautiful creations of nature.


They are in thousands of different types and humans can’t get away with them. We look at them and instantly fall in love with them. Flowers have these amazing color and smell to fulfill one purpose. They have been on earth for thousands of years and they are this way to attract insects.

While some flowers are great to be around and smell great, there are some other flowers that are not so great for us. Some flowers contain pollens that can harm insects as well as humans.


A mom whose daughter was a victim of an incident of the situation is alerting people in the US to stay safe.

Ashley Medeiros is a trained and registered nurse and she is trying to spread awareness about these harmful flowers that are very common in the US.


When her daughter was playing around in the garden, she got near a moonflower. Moonflowers are flowers that grow in a particular season. They grow on bushes and can be found throughout the country.

Ashley Medieros Facebook

The flowers are extremely attractive and it is very hard to escape from around them with parsing them.


People are aware of its beauty but they are not aware of how dangerous the flower can be. The flower has a dangerous hallucinogenic that can even kill a person.


While her daughter was playing around the flower, the grains reached her and the pupil of her eye swelled up. She took a picture of her daughter and shared it on Facebook with a warning. She explained that while her daughter was playing around the flower, the grain reached her body and affected her pupil.

Ashley Medieros Facebook

She adds that the flower is very dangerous and can cause several problems like cardiac arrhythmias, hallucinations, and abdominal pain while the effect is mild. If the effect is more then the person can even experience attacks that can lead to seizures.


She wanted to alert everyone to be safe and away from the dangerous plant.

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