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America and the World Will Never Forget 9/11

Terrorist attacks have always have disturbed the hope and faith of humankind.


Creating destruction in ways one can never imagine, terrorism has remained a darker part of the society.


No one can ever forget the most significant terrorist attacks in history, the deadly 9/11 attacks where terrorist crashed into the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, 2011.


It has been 18 years since the entire world was shaken by this deadly act of terrorism. It’s extremely horrific even to remember the cruel terrorists attack.


Those who witnessed the fatal act with their eyes would know how terrific it is to reminisce the moments of toxic terrorism.


History can never forget the D-day. Babies born after this attack were now be entering college. US government has added 9/11 attacks to the history syllabus.


Teachers will be taking special classes on explaining this significant moment in history. For students who can only get to know about the attack through the internet or other media, this addition will prove to be beneficial.


Lauren Hetrick, U.S History teacher in Newville, Pennsylvania who was a sophomore during 9/11 now teaches sophomores about the event.


Teachers who were students during the 9/11 attacks are primarily asked to take up the topic as their memory of the event will enable the student to connect more.


Lauren expressed that she has been teaching 9/11 attacks since 2008 and would often break down after the lessons as it was so horrifying to get those violent flashbacks.


There’s no specific guideline to teach the event; teachers who witnessed the attacks come forward to take up the topic. There are different approaches to teaching the topic, some focus on the attacks and its conspiracy, while others broadly cover the topic war.


The major aim of bringing 9/11 attacks into the syllabus is to make students aware of the terrorism, war and nation heroes who come to rescue.

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