We hope for the best to avoid situations involving deadly encounters with animals but if we do find ourselves in that situation it’s crucial to know how to act to save ourselves.
Below are 8 techniques that we could use when faced with a deadly encounter from different types of animals.
#1. Snakes

Most snakes are not poisonous. 80% of snake bites are received when people are trying to catch them.
- If you notice that you are being followed by a snake, stomp. The vibration will mislead the snake, and it will leave you.
- If you are bitten, don’t try to suck the poison out of the wound as we often see in movies. It’s better to wash the wound with tap water, fix a tourniquet, and call the rescue service.
#2. Alligators Or Crocodiles
The jaws of these animals are one of the strongest on the planet. If you get caught by an alligator or a crocodile, it will be close to impossible to free yourself.
- If you are caught, hit the animal’s eyes.point 40 | The eyes and throat of these animals are the most sensitive areas.point 97 | So aim right there to free yourself.point 127 |
- If you notice this predator crawling to you by ground, make as much noise as you can and run in a zigzag.point 213 |
ADVERTISEMENT This is a case where running and shouting are the best solutions.point 54 |
- If you see a crocodile while swimming, don’t make splashes and don’t shout – it will attract his attention.point 161 | Try to swim away as quietly as possible.point 194 |
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#3. Jellyfish
The sting of a jellyfish causes incredibly long and dull pain. You could follow the common recommendation and pee on the sting. However, that is a myth.
- Right after getting the sting, wash it with salt water. Freshwater will only worsen the situation. Then, using a stick or tweezers, remove the leftovers of the tentacles. If you have an antihistamine cream, apply it to the sting.
#4. Hippos
These animals seem peaceful. However, more people die from them than from crocodiles. Despite their weight, hippos can run at 30 km per hour. Moreover, it’s easy to make them angry.
- If the weather is hot, try not to go into brushwoods. During a drought, the level of water goes down, and hippos hide in the tall grass.
- To make a hippo leave you alone, climb up a tree, a big rock, or a sharp hill. Wait there until the animal leaves.
#5. Rhinos
Rhinos have very bad eyesight. That is why it is easy to frighten them, making them attack. Rhinos can develop a speed of 60 km per hour, and it is very difficult to run away from them. However, it is still possible.
- The only way to hide from a rhino is to stand behind a tree as it is a significant obstacle for him. This animal will not follow you through bushes or high grass.
#6. Elephants
Elephants are clever and friendly animals. Nevertheless, they can attack, especially the female elephants who assume you are a danger to their cubs.
- If you meet an elephant, pay attention to its body language. A twisted trunk and ears looking back mean that he is going to trample you.
- If the animal is attacking you, don’t run away. Instead, try to find something that will serve as a barrier between you and the elephant. It can be a rock or a tree.
#7. Lions
If you meet a lion, look into his eyes. Don’t turn your back, and don’t look away because discontinuity in eye contact will give the predator time to attack.
- Try to look bigger. Lift up your arms or a jacket. If you look big and dangerous, the predator will try to avoid contact.
- Talk to the lion in a moderately loud and confident voice. Also, make sounds and gestures. This kind of behavior is not typical for prey. It will mislead the animal, and he will perceive you as an irritation that it is better to stay away from.
#8. Sharks
There are 150 types of sharks on our planet, and only 20 of them can attack a human. That is because the majority don’t treat humans as food. The bad news is that if a shark gets interested in you, it will be very difficult to get away from it.
- In order not to attract sharks, avoid getting blood or urine in the water. Sharks can sense the smell from several kilometers away.
- If you meet a shark face-to-face, don’t turn your back and don’t try to run away in panic. By doing this, you will look like prey. Move slowly.
- If you are caught, aim at the eyes and gills. Those zones are sensitive.
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