Categories: life

Baby Cries As Doctor Touches His Ear. Then, Mom Whispers To Him For The First Time

All parents want to give their babies the best at life.


Even when challenges are revealed at the birth of a child, they encourage themselves and find the best solutions to help and support their child.

This was the case for a little boy named Lachlan who was born with a hearing impairment.

There are many children who are born with hearing loss in one or both ears and baby Lachlan was one of such babies. There is a video about Lachlan when he was seven weeks old. The video’s description that was presumably written by his parents reveals that he was diagnosed as having moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears.


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His parents promptly went about finding solutions for his condition.

It was when he was 7 weeks old that his parents received hearing aids for their beautiful son. There are hearing aids being designed and manufactured for the youngest children. They are very effective and the results are endearing. Infants get to hear for the first time when they are still young instead of waiting until they are all grown as it used to be a few years ago.


Lachlan’s parents were moved to tears by his reaction when the hearing aids were turned on. They have said that it was truly amazing. It was an unforgettable moment for the family.


They had ordered for hearing aids as soon as they had learned of his condition. They were clearly quite glad that the moment had come for their son to hear their voices for the first time.

The video shows the infant fussing at first when the hearing aid is placed in his ear. The hearing aids feel uncomfortable to him and he begins to cry. But when it is activated, he is clearly fascinated as he hears his mother’s voice for the first time.


The video shows his mother talking to him in a soothing voice. “There we go,” she says. “Well, hello. Hi!” Lachlan ceases his crying immediately. He seems perplexed at the new sensation and he looks around in wonder. He then begins to smile. He is clearly enjoying the moment.


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His parents are clearly so touched that their baby boy is able to hear.

When he starts to smile, they laugh, which makes him smile even more. Everyone in the room is watching the boy closely and registering every movement and expression. It is a very emotional moment for his parents who had been waiting for this moment.


The lady who first placed the hearing aid into Lachlan’s ear says she has to check to make sure that it is not too loud for him. She does this by clapping and checking his reaction. At first, the boy blinks with every clap. But soon his blinking reduces and the lady notes that he does not blink when they talk. She says that proves that it is not too loud for him and that the hearing aids are comfortable for him.


His mother who is overjoyed cannot stop herself from smiling at him. She keeps talking to him in soothing tones. Lachlan appears to be enjoying his mother’s calm voice. It is a beautiful bonding moment between mother and son. She acknowledges that it has made such a big difference. She is glad that her son is able to hear her now.


Shortly after they got the hearing aids for Lachlan, his parents took him to the Early Intervention Service, an oral language center for deaf children. The center also checks newborn babies for hearing loss.


It is associated with The Advisory Council for Children with Impaired Hearing (Taralye), an international organization based in Melbourne, Australia that has been teaching children who suffer from hearing impairment how to listen and speak since 1968.point 215 |


The mission statement on their website says that they take the role of the parent very seriously.point 81 | They are clear that the role of the parent and family is pivotal in every aspect of their work and they are highly committed to supporting and fostering the well-being of families of young children with hearing loss.point 260 | 1


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Lachlan’s loving parents have teamed up with Taralye to build a better future for their son. They want to give him the best at life and ensure he has the best experiences. In the video description, his parents say that their darling son who is now two years old is doing very well.


How lovely he is! Watch the video below to see the reaction of Lachlan! And please leave a hopeful message for his family in the comment section below.

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