Categories: life

Deceased Organ Donor’s Womb Gives Birth to A Healthy Baby

Having a baby and getting exhausted with his or her tantrums is a thing.


But struggling to have a baby is entirely a different thing. Infertility in women has become prominent. With that, science also has been doing its round.

Today’s news shed light on a positive approach of womb transplantation. While many of you might think that uterus transplantation might not be a possibility, the US proves to be the ultimate successful land.


According to what the latest report indicates, the baby is from a deceased donor’s transplanted womb. And this has happened for the very first time!


A healthy baby girl is born from the uterus transplanted womb given to a mother from the dead donor. Much to the knowledge of readers, this has happened for the very first time in the land of North America.


However, it is the second time that has happened in the entire globe.


The baby has been born in June at Cleveland Clinic. Sources claim that both the mother and baby are doing fine. The delivery was also normal. According to the reports, the doctors transplanted the dead donor’s womb in fall 2017.


Right after one year, the mother becomes pregnant and the baby is born through the caesarian section.


Cleveland Clinic holds birth and transplanting issues as part of their clinic on the uterine transplantation. The clinic center has transplanted a total of five uteruses as of now. And much to what has been understood, three of them have been successful.


Contrarily, the other two required hysterectomies for removing them. The other two women having successful transplants are currently waiting on the embryo transfer for the IVF.


Uterine Transplantation is the trial for the treatment of uterine infertility. It is aimed at aiding the problem of the ones who are unable to have a baby or get pregnant due to some uterus abnormalities.


The world is now getting digitalized and with that science and technology are walking the path of success. With that, there comes the hope that the world will manage to become successful with womb transplantation as the US did currently.


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