Categories: Healthlife

Depression And Anxiety Disorders Linked To Narcissistic Abuse

Anxiety, most common mental disorder, is an evolutionary response which is encoded within an individual which helps to detect as well deal with all the threats.


In modern society, anxiety is not that is needed psychologically but still, it lingers. People who had suffered abuse during their childhood, especially psychological abuse, anxiety is enhanced in them.


Erika Lawrence, Ph.D. researched that whether the psychological abuse is detrimental and damaging as physical abuse. The conclusion of the study was based on science, and she reported that psychological abuse might be more injurious and damaging compared to physical abuse.


A research article in Medical News Journal on Chronic Stress stated that childhood stress exerts profound effects both long and short-term, on the central nervous system of the victim. They are more susceptible and vulnerable to psychological disorders such as:

  • Depression
  • Bipolar disorder
  • PTSD, i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder


Children who had suffered extreme stress, their brain, and the neuroendocrine system becomes hypersensitive to chronic stress later in their life, with respect to psychological stress.


Narcissistic abuse: These people operate on the system depending on shame and they project the internal shame on the victim.


Narcissist appears as self-admiring and harbors deep flaws in internal dialog and constantly feel the difference between how they appear inside as well as outside what they show to the world.


In order to appear better in the world and hide their shortcomings related to psychology, the narcissist reveals the destructive mechanism for the defense to harm people who care for them, destruction of the relationship and they intentionally inflict the deep psychological wounds.


The forms of Narcissistic abuse are:

  • Manipulation
  • Competitiveness
  • Verbal Abuse
  • Sabotage
  • Gaslighting
  • Objectification
  • Exploitation
  • Isolation

Narcissistic abusers target good people who are optimistic, compassionate, trustworthy, and empathetic.


You might be in a relationship with a narcissist as you want to help them, understand their sorrow, and unaware of their nature which is abusive and humiliating.


How are you affected by Narcissistic abuse?


The tendency of the narcissist is to devastate anyone’s psychology whom they victimize. Those people who are a victim of prior abuse especially childhood abuse are more prone to this.

The narcissistic abusers can take over the life of the victim, shatter their self-confidence, you tend to doubt yourself, all this is done to make the abuser feel superior.


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