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20+ Designs That Shows Respect To Nature

Instead of destroying nature to place buildings and monuments, these designers decided to embrace and nature and create eco-friendly designs that can save nature while building something in its place.



#1. A 90-year-old tree growing inside a restaurant is now a whole town’s heritage.



#2. Moleskine packaging can be used as a ruler instead of being thrown out.


#3. They could’ve cut the tree, but they didn’t.



#4. The way the wall was constructed with respect for the trees


#5. A restaurant put plants under their taps to reduce water waste.



#6. True respect for nature


#7. An eco-friendly beer company makes it easy to recycle their cans.



#8. A rope bridge for squirrels over a highway in Victoria, Australia has a camera that sometimes captures pedestrians.



#9. A squirrel bridge in Longview, Washington


#10. A playground entirely supported by trees


#11. Instead of cutting the tree, they made a roundabout.



#12. The Netherlands created bridges for animals called ecoducts.


#13. A water fountain that tells you how many water bottles have been saved by using it.



#14. People who put the fence over the tree roots instead of cutting into them — you deserve an award!


#15. A fire hydrant that doubles as a drinking fountain for dogs at a local park


#16. National Geographic is wrapped in paper instead of plastic!



#17. Turtle tunnels under the railroad tracks in Japan, to minimize train delays and save turtles from injuries



#18. A restaurant that decided to leave the tree instead of cutting it down


#19. A green pass in Singapore, for animals to cross the road safely


#20. Knives that are made from fork handles!

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#21. Garbage cans where you can put your recyclables on the outside, so people collecting bottles don’t have to dig through the smelly trash to get them.



1. Christmas Island, Australia has over 30 underpasses and bridges to allow the red crabs to get to the beaches to mate.

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