Categories: Entertainmentlife

Details of Sony’s Play Station 5 Console Are Finally Revealed

Play Station is the one thing that is always the dream console of a video game lover.


Since the very first Play Station came out people have been in love with these console and with the time their popularity only grew.

Now, the 5th generation of the console is coming out soon and Sony has revealed its features to give the gamers the feed they were starving for.


Mark Cerny, the architect of the new console in an interview gave an insight into the console. He also assured that the new console will not just be an updated version of the previous generation that has gained more than enough fame, but it will be a lot more than that.


He said that the console is not just a slightly improved version of the one that already exists like the one they launched before but he said that the question that falls in the middle is that whether the console is great enough to add another level of experience that the previously available console was not able to give or if it allows the fundamental changes in a game altogether and according to the architect, the Play Station 5 falls under the second category.


Although the name of the new console has not been assigned by the company yet the most suitable name should be Play Station fine because as per Mark, the console is a completely new generation for the company.


He said, “I am a gamer and as a gamer, the most frustrating part about the Play Station console was that there was no change in the sound between the two.”


“With the next console coming out the same problem won’t exist anymore. It is important for a gamer who is investing a lot of money and time by making it a priority to be satisfied with the console.”


We hope this one is going to give all the joy in the world to the gamers.

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