Categories: Healthlife

Here’s the Diet and Lifestyle of This Man Who Looks Like He’s In His 20s When He’s Actually Over 50

y3 13.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Here's the Diet and Lifestyle of This Man Who Looks Like He's In His 20s When He's Actually Over 50

Chuando Tan lives in Singapore and is a photographer by profession.


He was born in 1967, which means he’s 51 years old now.

He has taken some photographs of himself wherein he looks like a 20 year old man. Here are a few secrets of Tan that will surprise you.


In 1980s Chuando was a model and turned to be a pop singer in 1990. But his career goes well in singing; thus he opted for photography. One day by mistake he posted his own photograph instead of his client, and henceforth this all started.


His followers immediately noticed that Chuando looked the same as he was in his 20s.

Different people had different views like some thought this was because of genetics others thought this was because he has access to good medicines, clean air, and other products of high quality.


The photographer, however, believes that appearance and health condition of a person depended on his eating habits and workout. He eats two yolks and six hard boiled eats every day for breakfast.


He also drinks one glass of milk daily and adds berries and avocado to it occasionally. This breakfast is full of protein and provides him energy for the day.

During the day he eats rice, fish, chicken, and grilled vegetables. Ice cream is his weakness; thus he eats it sometimes but during the early hours of the day. He does not consume tea or coffee rather drinks lots of water. His dinner comprises of green salad. He does not drink alcohol or smoke.


He does workouts for 90 minutes every day. His exercise regime includes strength training at least four times a week. He spends half an hour each day to do this.


After that, he does cardio and walks on a treadmill. Lastly, he swims for an hour daily in the evening. He takes early baths and does not use any cosmetic items. He did not do any plastic surgery either.

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