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Disappointed Huskies Howl In Protest When They Find Out Owner Won’t Give Them Treats


They’re both fierce and loyal, even to the point of sacrificing their life for the sake of a beloved owner.


And this relationship between humans and dogs has gone on for thousands of years. Get a dog for a pet and you have a faithful companion for as long as that animal lives.

But for all their noble qualities, dogs can also be like really spoiled children as this video shows with two Siberian Huskies howling in protest after their owner says that they can’t have any treats.


Watch the clip below.

[rumble video_id=v5qu8t domain_id=u7nb2]

Video credit: Rumble

And it’s not just one howl and then it’s done. They actually go on for more than a minute with the first one and then both of them howling, sometimes in tandem and at other times, one after the other.

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It’s an adorable reaction (which is why the owner recorded it) that’s meant to elicit pity from the owner.point 206 |


Of course, as all pet lovers know, it’s important to be firm and disciplined with one’s pets unless you want to find yourself in the unsavory position of being the pet and the dog being the master (in the sense that whatever your dog wants, you jump to obey).point 223 | 1


Still, being strict doesn’t mean one needs to deprive one’s dog of good things. This is why it’s also important to let them play and give them treats but it’s also important to put limits because otherwise, these dogs will probably just gorge themselves into obesity.


Even though dogs can display remarkable levels of intelligence in some situations, they are still animals and this means they are often ruled by their instincts. So if they’re hungry, they want to eat, or if they feel pleasure, they want to keep accessing that source of pleasure as much as they can. This is why it’s up to the owner to be the one to put the brakes on because, in the end, it’s the owner who knows what’s best for the dog.


Still, it’s quite funny to see these beloved pets when they throw a tantrum when they don’t get what they want. And seeing these Siberian Huskies howl, it’s easy to see the wolf ancestry of the dogs. These huskies also look the part, too!


While the pair of Huskies in the video are like pampered spoiled brats, Siberian Huskies are actually considered working dogs in northeastern Siberia. Their strength and endurance make them ideal for being guard dogs and to help out in the harsh conditions of the Siberian environment. Even as pups, they already display a propensity to howl and if one of the litter starts off, expect the rest of them to follow.


