Categories: Entertainmentlife

Tom Hanks Said Disney Should Make A Movie On Bear, The Dog Who Helped Rescue Koalas During Bushfires In Australia

Bear is an adorable and clever dog who has been incredibly helpful in saving a number of trapped animals especially Koalas during the recent Australian bushfires.


Ever since he’s been introduced to the world, people have been in love with him.

The job description of Bear includes only one task – to trace and search for Koalas that might be trapped somewhere in the bushes. Once Bear locates them, they are rescued and saved from a painful death.


Despite all the fame Bear has earned, obviously, there are people who don’t know much about him. Among these people is the actor Tom Hanks.


His attention was brought to Bear by the people on Twitter who asked Hanks to read the tweets about the positive things in the world including the achievements of the million-dollar dog.


“This is a Disney movie that must be made – the story of Bear, the koala detection dog,” Hanks commented in response. “That’s adorable,” he added.

That is, indeed, one good movie idea. There won’t be many people who will not be interested in watching a dog sniffing and tracing Koalas.


In fact, it could be one of the highest grossing movies ever made by the Mickey Mouse corporation.


Bear works with the International Fund for Animal Welfare Australia. The handlers at Detection Dogs for Conservation look after him when he’s off his duty.


“A dog’s sense of smell is up to 10,000 times stronger than that of humans. We train formerly-sheltered, highly-active dogs-who may otherwise never be adopted-to sniff out koala scat and fur,” says the IFAW website.

“By locating the scat, and in some cases the koalas themselves, we can collect data about the genetics and health of the local koala population,” the website adds.


“We can also use this data to protect individual animals and conserve ecosystems.”


