Categories: Entertainmentlife

Disney Is All Set to Become The Hottest Streaming Service as the Entire Disney Vault is Going Digital

Netflix in the present date is undoubtedly the best and the most watched streaming site in the world because of its great collection of thousands of movies and shows and because of the original web series and movie they produce that only release on the streaming website.


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If you have grown up with a television in your home then I am definite that you are aware of the awesomeness of Disney films.


Since we were kids to the kids of this generation, everyone is a fan and well you can anyway never dislike Mickey Mouse or Lion King or Snow White or either of Disney creations.

Bob Iger, CEO of the company revealed that they are soon releasing Disney’s streaming service called Disney+ which will eventually include the entire Disney collection.


This move also means that it will be an end to the master plan of Disney that they have been using since ages called the Disney Vault.


So what actually this Disney Vault is? This was nothing but a great marketing trick by the company. At the time of the release of a film, the company only released VHS and DVDs of the same for a certain period of time.


This means that people only had a limited time to buy them until they go back in the Disney Vault and then the customers would have to wait for years to be able to buy them again. Also, a person was only allowed to buy as much as 34 titles at once.


Bob said in an investor meeting conducted in Polygon “the service that I have mentioned is going to be launched later this year. The service is going to combine what we call library products, movies, and television, with a lot of original products as well as movies and television.”


He added “Soon after the launch, with like a couple of months at most, the service will house the entire Disney motion picture library. So the movies that only came out once in some years of the Vault will then be available on the service any time you would want to watch. ”


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