Categories: Animals/Petslife

Disturbing Images of Marine Life Suffering Because of Plastic Waste is Dividing Opinions of Social Media Users

s1 15.png?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Disturbing Images of Marine Life Suffering Because of Plastic Waste is Dividing Opinions of Social Media Users

This has become the most important fact and none in the world is unaware of how the plastic we use several times end up in the sea and it is torturing our marine life.


For years now, hundreds of campaigns are educating people on the consequences of the one-time usable plastic ending up in the sea and yes it is clear like glass to the entire human population now.


A campaign is trying to force this into the minds of people by showing some extremely disturbing images of turtles and fishes getting tangled in plastic trash and suffocating themselves to death.


The plastic trash has reached the depth of the ocean and no matter how hard we try now, taking that trash out is extremely difficult.

There are organisms that eat micro plastics too according to studies carried out.


Sea Shepherd, an Ocean conservation group now has shared many pictures of animals being tortured by plastic waste in order to support the awareness campaign.


They believe that these devastating pictures may help people to understand what an impact our waste is causing on the marine life.


Although the pictures are clearly photoshopped these images show creatures like turtles and seals with plastic sheets and bags on their faces.


These pictures may not be real but they are very close to reality. These pictures are clearly disturbing and social media users have different opinions about them.

One user wrote: “Shepherd, these pictures are horrifying. Yes, we know reality is even scarier but these pictures are a stab in the heart.


Another wrote: “There is no denying to the fact that sea creatures are falling victims of entanglement but this is not intentional on our part. Humans never meant to put marine life through such pain.”


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