Categories: Culturelife

Doctor Who Has Been Self-Isolating Shared A Sweet Thank You Card He Received From A Little Girl



Alex George who is feeling lonely while self-isolating himself received a sweet Thank you note from a little girl. The 29-year-old who is from Carmarthen, Wales has been working in A&E in London and living away from his girlfriend Amelia.

Alex revealed how much he is missing his girlfriend but to keep her safe from the coronavirus, he is not going to meet her. He took to Instagram to give a glimpse of his lonely life writing, “A lot of you might have realised I am living by myself during this period going from A&E to home and keeping away from everyone, as I don’t want to give Amelia an illness.”


“In the NHS or any other health care system around the world, I know a lot of us like myself are isolating alone and I know that can be not ideal, and lonely even. But we’re in it so together and I just wanted to say to anyone that feels that way, you are not alone.”


He then shared a photo of an adorable card made by a little girl who thanked the NHS staff for their service. Alex said: “This was made by a lovely little girl who wanted to say thank you to NHS staff for their fight against the coronavirus ? Needless to say I have been sobbing away at how cute this is ? We are in this together. Lets do this ?? Thank you little Emma this has made my day x.”


His girlfriend Amelia praised him for working throughout the coronavirus outbreak saying, “I’m so proud of him and I’m endlessly grateful for all the NHS staff and key workers who are working tirelessly during such uncertain times.”

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The couple first met in a bar and started hanging out ever since.point 162 | He described Amelia as a laid back person and very supportive.point 214 |


Alex said: ”We met last October and we’ve been going out since around Christmas time.point 83 | It’s going well.point 103 | She’s great, she’s really laid back, but, she’s also not afraid to say what she thinks as well, which is important.point 216 |


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”She’s supportive of all of the stuff I’m doing, especially all of the stuff around mental health. It’s so nice to have someone by your side who believes in what you’re doing.”




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