Categories: FamilyHealthlife

California Doctor Moved Into A Tent To Protect His Family From COVID-19 While He Treats Patients

A doctor from California is self-isolating himself from his wife and children as he treats patients with coronavirus.


Dr. Cheng decided to move into a tent to keep his family safe from COVID-19. He set up a tent in their garage where he sleeps after long hours of working at a hospital.

Facebook/Timmy Cheng

Dr. Cheng, a pulmonary and critical care specialist, works at UCI Medical Center in Irvine.


He wrote on Facebook: “I voluntarily became homeless to protect my family should I become infected and bring the virus home.

Facebook/Timmy Cheng

“I spent one night in my car, then four nights in the hospital call room. On day five, my wife came up with the idea for me to live in a tent in our garage. So, here it is.”


Dr. Cheng has a pillow, twin mattress, and a laptop in his tent. He believes he may have to sleep in the tent for months so he keeps food stocks nearby. His family also prepare him food, leaving it at the garage door.

Facebook/Timmy Cheng

He pleaded on Facebook: “You can help me and other healthcare workers become un-homeless by STAYING HOME.”


He added: “UST DO IT. Nobody is too cool to stay home. Nobody is too healthy to get sick.

Wikimedia Commons

“STAY HOME and help stop the spread of this virus. Countless doctors, nurses, and other health care workers are working hard to save YOUR LIFE. The least you could do is stay home so that we, too, can go home to our loved ones one day.”


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