Categories: Healthlife

Woman Had Her Ear Amputated After Doctors Misdiagnosed Skin Cancer For A Wart For Five Years

Doctors are the lifesavers and we trust them with our problems more than any other person in the world.


But unfortunately, their lack of concentration or misdiagnosis can even lead to life-threatening results as happened with this mother who had her ear amputated after her GP misdiagnosed skin cancer for a wart.

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Kennedy News and Media

It all happened in 2010 when Anthea Smith, 43, used to visit her doctor quite often after a red lump started growing on her left ear.point 404 |


At first, the doctor gave her a few medicines but it didn’t work and within a few months, her whole ear was covered with a black and brown warty-growth.point 130 | She went back to the doctor but just like before, the doctor told her to not worry at all.point 202 | 1

Kennedy News and Media

Mrs. Smith said while talking to a news channel, “Initially a lump appeared on the tip of my left ear, inside the top part where it folds over.


It itched a little bit. I spoke to my doctor and my doctor said it was nothing to worry about, it was just a wart.”

The wart became so big that it covered her whole left ear and she started feeling embarrassed whenever she was in public.

That’s why she even had to change her hairstyle in a way to hide her ear.


Once she was at the hair shop that her hairdresser also commented on it and asked her to go to the doctor.

She went back to her GP and she got the same reply. Mrs. Smith said, “Although it was frustrating it was also reassuring at the same time because I thought if my GP isn’t too concerned about it I shouldn’t be either.”

Kennedy News and Media

When the itching started to get worse, she visited a dermatologist in the St Helens and Knowsley Teaching Hospitals, who also couldn’t identify anything wrong and said that her skin is non-cancerous, but still asked her to go see a skin specialist. And it was already 2015, 5 years since the wart first appeared.

Kennedy News and Media

Mrs. Smith said: “By the time I was referred to the plastic surgeon, it had literally covered the whole of my outer ear.


It was heading into what they call the conchal bowl into my eardrum”. And after several tests, doctors diagnosed that she was having stage 3C melanoma and since the cells had spread too much, she has her ear amputated.

Kennedy News and Media

Mrs. Smith thinks that excessive use of sunbeds is what the cause was of her skin cancer. She is urging to band sunbeds and also guides people to consult with various doctors in case something looks wrong with their body.


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