Categories: life

Doctors Warned Mothers To Stop Eating Placenta Because Doing So Is Dangerous

Placentophagy enthusiasts have long argued that eating placenta can be very beneficial for mothers who have just given birth.


As some experts claim, the placenta is a fully natural source of hormones and nutrients that can help a mother beat postpartum depression among other pregnancy issues.

While some animals like goats are known to eat their placentas after giving birth, doctors have advised women to stay away from the “dangerous” trend.


Eating placentas has gained popularity after several high-ranking celebrities such as Kim Kardashian and Hillary Duff admitted to eating the organ after giving birth.


According to the advocates of the practice, doing so can improve a mother’s milk supply, boost her iron levels, and reduce the chances of suffering from postpartum depression.

Hilary Duff – FilmMagic

Striking back at these claims, the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists spoke out and said the practice is not only free of health benefits but also dangerous.


“Despite the growing trend …  there is no documented evidence of benefit for improved iron stores, mood, or lactation,” the experts wrote.


“Although other harm has yet to be documented … there is potential for transmission of bacterial, viral, or fungal pathogens to both mother and baby or close contacts,” the report added.


Placentas form during pregnancy and serve the baby by providing it with nutrients and oxygen via the umbilical cord.

Kim Kardashian – Getty Images

After giving birth, mothers are often allowed to take the organ home provided they made their intentions clear in advance.


From there, mothers have hundreds of recipes to choose from to cook their placenta before ingesting the organ. Some also make them into smoothies. For those who are after practicality, placentas can also be dried, grinded, and made into capsules.

Kathryn Parker Almanas

Nevertheless, improper handling of placentas is what makes the practice so dangerous. If not handled properly, placenta poses a risk of cross-contamination and can lead to serious health issues for the baby and the mother.


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