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Heartbreaking Moment Neglected Dog Was Scared To Look At Her Rescuers

vdfd.jpg?fit=1024%2C538&ssl=1&strip=all - Heartbreaking Moment Neglected Dog Was Scared To Look At Her Rescuers

When she arrived at the center, all she did was stare at the wall of the office continuously for a few days and refused to move.


The center is quite experienced in this line of job, yet they did not know what to make of such behavior. They were very surprised when the dog did not move for a few days.

This behavior led the staff to think that she had been abused and tortured by her previous owners. When it came the time to eat, she did not even touch the food until she was left alone. She never ate food in someone’s presence.


The staff was getting worried about her. But help came soon.

A few days later, they rescued another dog from the same pound and when Angel saw that another dog, something changed. She did something else than stare at the wall; her mood was better. Noticing this change, rescuers believed that this new dog was Angel’s mother and decided to name him ‘Cliff.’


Six months after spending her time in Cliff’s company, she was happy and running around, just like other dogs. Her weight increased from 37 pounds to 44 pounds, and now she has boundless energy and amazing confidence.

A few days later, she was adopted by a loving family. That couple had lost two dogs, and as soon as they saw Angel, they fell in love with her. It looks like Angel has finally completed her journey from hell to heaven.


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