Categories: Animals/Petslife

Dog Destroys Bedroom And Is Not Even The Slightest Bit Apologetic

Do you think just like humans, dogs have personalities too? If you are answering with a ‘I don’t really know’ let me tell you that they do.


Watch below:

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Video Credit: Rumble


Every dog has its own personality and if they are a pet, over time, they even get the traits of the personality of their owner. It is nothing uncommon. In fact, even the master of the dogs tends to get a few traits of the personality of their dogs with time.


It seems like, the personality of this dog is not really like his father, and he surely is not sorry for what he did.


In a crazy act, while he was home alone, this pretty dog tore the bedroom apart and when his father got back home, he was sitting happily on the bed as nothing happened.


The dog was pretty much in trouble but when you look at him you will know that he does give a damn in the whole wide world for what he did and he, of course, has no regrets. It must have been fun to him or he would have been too anxious.


Anxiety is a very common thing in dogs as the pet dogs are used to live with humans all the time and when they are left alone, they get all anxious and the only way to deal with their anxiety is to get hyperactive and it results into destruction 99% of the times.


There are several dog owners that leave their dogs home alone while the dogs are locked up in their crates just so that they do not cause any harm to the house.


This is just cruel to the poor babies who are already afraid of being alone and over that, they are being trapped inside a little box for hours and hours. Don’t ever be so cruel to your furry friend.

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