Categories: Animals/Petslife

Dog Busts All The Balloons He Can See

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These days when work is everything that takes up our minds we should not forget that fun has a very important place in our well being too.


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This is why here is something for you that will get you all motivated and jumpy to have some fun.


Humans are not the only living being that are fanatics of fun and love getting into all kinds of activates that can bring us even slightly close to the concept.


Here is a dog, who is aware of what is fun to him and leaves no chance of getting full of it.


In a hilarious video, this supremely excited dog busts all the balloons present in his room and he loves doing it.


Dogs are quite similar to humans as they live in a very close bond. Dogs are smart and they learn things out from humans and thus on many occasions, they shock us by doing things we can never imagine them doing.


Any ordinary dog maybe a little scared of busting balloons because it makes a loud noise that dogs are very sensitive to and second, the disappearance of a toy they were playing with (the balloon) can trigger anxiety in them but it looks like this big boy does not mind the anxiety of the loud noise.


The internet is filled with funny videos of dogs and if you ask me why I have the right answer to it.

Unlike humans, they do not think twice before getting into things that can make them look stupid but can make them happy.


This is one reason we have tons and tons of funny dog videos on the internet.

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